Welcome to The Easter Bunny Bandit Solve & Seek Adventure!
Thanks to everyone who participated!
Please click the button below to view other games that we are currently offering.
How to Play
Watch this short video to learn how our Solve & Seek Games are played:
Registration fee is $25 per group.
We recommend small groups for maximum enjoyment around the registered player’s smartphone, but the is no restriction on group size. Your single registration fee covers your whole group!
Be sure to turn your smartphone volume all the way up when playing, and wear clothes and shoes appropriate for walking on and off bike paths and trails through the woods. You’re encouraged to take pictures during your challenge (and even share them with us!), but please don’t post pictures of the bunnies and their codes on social media!
If you have any questions or need additional information, you can email bmoffitt@bazadagames.com or call (401)250-6527.